Marvel vs capcom infinite characters pics
Marvel vs capcom infinite characters pics

marvel vs capcom infinite characters pics

The fighting in this one is a bit unbalanced, in that there are characters stronger so some match ups are a bit more difficult to get past.

marvel vs capcom infinite characters pics

The story mode was good, but could have been longer as I wouldn't of minded more pairings just taking out Ultron's thugs. They will also have trouble from the mad titan and Jedha as well. It is up to many of the Capcom and Marvel heroes to fight to stop him, collect the infinity stones and save the united realms from Ultron Sigma. The story has Capcom's world and Marvel's combining as Ultron and Sigmund have united (literally) to try and remove the flesh from the universe. Here, you play through the arcade and it is fun and the fighting easier for me to do combos, but no matter who you choose, you get the same credit scroll. This is why I give the first Injustice game the edge, while that one has stiffer fighting controls, overall I enjoy the fact there is so much more to do with each individual character and they each have an ending. This one was good, I thought the story mode was pretty good, the fighting really good however, the arcade mode was lacking. I have played through the story modes of each now and I have played through the arcade mode a couple of times on Injustice and this one and so I feel I can give it a score and review it now. I have not played a fighting game in years, but I have been so into comic films as of late I got this one and Injustice I & II for my birthday.

Marvel vs capcom infinite characters pics